Joining Rolimex Team

The key to our strategy has always been to attract and retain people who share our passion based on our values: integrity, Positive Attitude, Commitment, Continuous Improvement, Innovation and Loyalty.

Because we believe in our values, we continue to identify talented people who share these principles. For us, our people are especially important.

Rolimex Recruitment


Sales Support

Posisi : Jakarta

Kualifikasi :

Berpengalaman 3 tahun dalam bidangnya

Pendidikan minimal D3/ S1 jurusan Kimia/Bisnis/Management

Usia diatas 23 tahun

Menguasai computer dengan baik & mengerti administrasi penjualan

Aktif, komunikatif dan dapat bekerja sama 

Lokasi kerja di Jakarta

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

Melakukan eksekusi peneriman Order berdasarkan PO dari customer

Memproses Permintaan Sampel berdasarkan info dari Sales atau Customer

Memonitor dan membuat laporan mengenai data actual pengiriman, outstanding pengiriman, dan sales best estimate

Mengontrol arsip dokumen keluar-masuk

Mempersiapkan dan mengontrol dokumen, data project monitoring, dan dokumen untuk keperluan tender

Membantu Business Manager dengan melakukan kontak kepada supplier untuk permintaan Penawaran

Membantu tim sales untuk mengirimkan TPB, MSDS dan Penawaran Produk kepada Customer.

Membantu tim sales untuk kontak pelanggan yang bermasalah dalam hal pembayaran.

Mempersiapkan dan membuat dokumen untuk untuk pembelian barang-barang keperluan Divisi terkait

Input data di SAP ( SO, CP, Vendor, Produk dan Raw Material ).

Mengerti dan mengikuti kebijakan perusahaan seperti menyiapkan weekly report, morning meeting dll.


Pencapaian target tim sales divisi terkait dan kelancaran administrasi di divisi terkait

Melapor kepada Business Manager (selevel GM)

Berhubungan dengan semua department dalam perusahaan ( Purchasing/ Finance Accounting / GA / IT / Gudang / dll } dan pihak luar perusahaan ( vendor / customer / instansi pemerintah

Submit your CV to :

Technical Sales - Kalimantan Timur

Posisi : Kalimantan Timur

Job Description & Function:

- Organizing Sales visit and presentation to customer to find out new opportunity, to educate customer and understand their quiry so we proposed the right solution to customer.

- Identifying and establishing new business

- Giving demonstration, training and presentations to help clinets discover and understanding products/services.

- Preparing tenders, proposals and quotations.

- Providing product consultation ant training to customers

- Handling complaints and technical problems/question from customers, including taking care of the required documents: COA, MSDS, etc.

- Collaborate with Sales Support, Supply planner, logistic and transport team and Finance team to solve every issue that will affect the business.

- Weekly sales meeting, reporting and presentation regarding achievement, issues and opportunities.


- Bachelor degree in Chemistry/Chemical or equivalen

- Experience in Sales Marketing field, espescially in water treatment.

- Strong technical skills, especialy in water treatment chemicals.

- Communication skills, including the ability to explain clearly, listen to the feedback of clients - and relay this to colleagues.

- The ablity to negotiate with and influence others

- Teamwork skills

- Sales Skills and commercial awareness.

- Good Character

Drop email to:

Sales Lubricant - Jakarta

Job Description & Function:

- Organizing Sales visit and presentation to customer to find out new opportunity, to educate customer and understand their quiry so we proposed the right solution to customer.

- Identifying and establishing new business

- Giving demonstration, training and presentations to help clinets discover and understanding products/services, especialy on lubricant.

- Preparing tenders, proposals and quotations.

- Providing product consultation ant training to customers

- Handling complaints and technical problems/question from customers, including taking care of the required documents: COA, MSDS, etc.

- Collaborate with Sales Support, Supply planner, logistic and transport team and Finance team to solve every issue that will affect the business.

- Weekly sales meeting, reporting and presentation regarding achievement, issues and opportunities.


- Bachelor degree in Chemistry/Chemical or equivalen.

- Experience in Sales Marketing field, related to the heavy vehicle industry is preferred.

- Strong technical skills, especialy in water treatment chemicals.

- Communication skills, including the ability to explain clearly, listen to the feedback of clients - and relay this to colleagues.

- The ablity to negotiate with and influence others

- Teamwork skills

- Sales Skills and commercial awareness.

- Good Character

Equipment Engineer - Jakarta

Job Description & Function

- Assist National Manager in the management, design and maintenance of equipment related to watertreatment chemicals and maintenance chemicals.

- Responsible for maintaining the stability and performance of the company's (customer's) tools, equipment, and machinery to support the business' daily operations and prevent deliverable delays

- Participate in the preparation, updating and maintenance of system documentation for the projects, 

- Visit client sites to provide necessary help, interact with the clients about the equipment functioning and note down reviews.


- Education background from bachelors degree or above in equipment, automation, engineering or other related majors.

= Expert knowledge about watertreatment equipments and components.

- Proven ability in MEI (Mechanical, Electrical and Instrument), P&ID and BOQ creation.

- Based on Jakarta and willing to travell all over Indonesia.

- Have a good TPM knowledge and implementation

- Proficient in fault analysis and trouble shooting

- Capable of build automation system from scratch

- Familiar with design 3D software AutoCAD, Inventor etc

Sales Agronomist - Jakarta

Job Description:

- Providing expert advice and strategic agronomic insights to customers at oil palm plantation.

- Initiate sales contacts, understand customer needs and present applicable products and service.

- Develop and deliver effective sales presentations, focusing on the benefit of early orders.

- Grow volume of sales with existing customers.

- Report on sales to plan and current pipeline. 

- Proactively share information and best practices across the Agronomy team and other functions.

- Maintain existing customers Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan.


  • Agronomy related experience and/or Agronomy degree.
  • Preferably with Sales Experience in dealing with oil palm plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
  • Proven ability to delivery exceptional customer serviceE
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a team player.

Logistic Staff

Kualifikasi :

  • S1 Transportasi
  • Usia 25 - 35 tahun
  • Pengalaman 3 tahun di bidang Transportasi dan Logistik
  • Memahami asuransi logistik
  • Menguasai microsoft Office terutama Ms.Excell
  • Pernah menggunakan SAP
  • Teliti dan sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Aktif dan dapat bekerjasama dengan tim
  • Penempatan di Jakarta

Tanggung jawab :

  • Mencari transporter terbaik.
  • Bekerjasama dengan team bidding menetapkan transportasi terpilih.
  • Mengatur pengiriman sesusai permintaan Sales Marketing tepat waktu untuk seluruh Divisi Chemicals
  • Melakukan monitoring surat jalan, status muat/bongkar. 
  • Koordinasi Gudang & Customer untuk pengiriman maupun penerimaan barang.
  • Verifikasi tagihan angkutan
  • Administrasi ; permintaan persetujuan asuransi

Contact our team and start a sustainable collaboration with Rolimex Kimia Nusamas