Mrs. Lucia Maria Farewell

Jun 2, 2023
Source by Red

Mrs. Lucia Maria Farewell  

On Tuesday, 30 May 2023, the board of directors and the Rolimex Surabaya team held a farewell event with Ms. Lucia Maria. Mrs. Lucia Maria used to serve as the Surabaya Branch Manager and retired after serving for 34 years at PT Rolimex Kimia Nusamas. 

A bit of farewell from Ms. Lucia Maria:  In every meeting, there is a parting, after 33 years and 9.5 months I have worked to make a living at PT Rolimex together with Mr, Mrs and all my friends, now the time has come for me to leave this office that we love, my prayer: "LORD DON'T TEACH ME TO BE AFRAID OF LOSING, BUT TEACH ME TO RELEASE WITH JOY AND HAPPINESS, I hope we are all healthy and happy" 

Always Healthy and Successful Mrs. Lucia Maria 


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